Saturday, December 26, 2009

The end of a challenging semester!

That was a long semester and for some reason not very enjoyable. I believe I did well enough but I am more perplexed by my lack passion that I had all last year. Mistakes mistakes, I make so many in thought that I now distrust my judgment. Nevertheless, I will continue this alienated trek!


  1. I'm with you, that was a rough semester, beyond merely frustrating... more like demoralizing. But The past couple weeks have been such a relief and rejuvination. I work so much better when I'm not in such a shitty sitution, my productivity this break has proven that.

    But anyway, i made a lot of mistakes too. But I think most of the mistakes were important mistakes. that sounds wierd, but importnat mistakes are crucial to make. How else are we to gauge the correctness of our philosphies other than through life experience? So i wish for us both next semester a fruitful amount of crucial mistakes.

    It's the trival mistakes that really piss me off since there's not much to be gained from them. But at the same time there's not much to be lost either, so i guess it's a fair trade.

    On another note,I have some potential event ideas regarding the Zapatistas and Starbucks in which the FWP may be interested in doing. we'll talk about them soon.

  2. Joe,
    I am glad you are rejuvenated and ready to go. I believe I am similar. Applying to Ph.D. programs are writing. I am ready for the REVOLUTION!
